How can Underdog Trivia help out my company?
If the question is “Can Underdog Trivia do it?”, the answer is probably “YES!”
- Can you create the team breakouts for me if I send you a list of names? YES
- Can we have the boss/manager give a speech? YES
- Can we ask for special topics for our team? YES
- Can you leave extra time for employees to meet each other and hang out? YES
- Can we run the event during the day? And pick out own date and time? YES and YES
- Can Underdog Trivia be run on Teams instead of Zoom? YES
- Can we split up certain people to make sure all the managers are not in one group? YES
- Can you send me an invoice to get approval for my budget? YES
- Can I attend an Open House (30-minute commitment) to see Underdog Trivia in action? YES!
Sample Underdog Trivia!
Drop us your name and email for an invite to our next free Open House.